Tuesday, November 2, 2010


If those four little letters make you instantly hear Kristen Bell's voice then go ahead and skip down to the next paragraph...For the rest of you out there thinking: "what is this girl writing about?" let me explain my obsession with a little television show called Gossip Girl. Well back when Sex and the City ended I had a void in my life, a fashion filled void about the size of Manhattan... and waalaa..Gossip Girl fills that void every Monday night. While they are not thirty somethings struggling through single life  but rather overly indulged spoiled Upper East Side teens plus three from Brooklyn. Never the less, I don't know what is better the mindless drama or the fashion. It is a pure guilty pleasure!

But the thing I love almost as much as Chuck Bass (resident bad boy) is the Van der Woodsen apartment. Chic clean lines, amazing pop art and an eclectic mix of furnishings serve as the backdrop to the drama.
So why not bring a little of the Upper East side home...
Tucker Robbins wire side tables add a great contemporary touch to any room...
Keeping clean neutral lines on the sofa make for a great foundation like this Roberts sofa from Hickory Chair
Sculptural Sconces like the Zeal from Eurofase can turn a blank wall into a statement with the dramatic wash of light they give to the wall...just don't go with white walls!

Spool Chair by Hickory Chair looks a bit dowdy and old fashioned in this plain linen but in the colorful fabric used on set they become stunning pieces that add a touch of  history to such a modern space.
The classic Eames  Chair is on nearly every set in Hollywood...but that is because sometimes you just can't beat a classic, in leather or fabric- this chair is a can't miss piece of furniture history
And in the wise words of Miss Serena Van der Woodsen: "A good scandal is one thing, but even Gossip Girl likes to keep things classy and somewhat true" so stay true to what inspires you and you are sure to create the home of your dreams... XOXO
photos: Gossip Girl, Hickory Chair, Eurofase, Tucker Robinson, DWR

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