Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fall Back...Asleep

It is that glorious day of the year where everyone except Arizonians get an extra hours of sleep...PS-I would love to know what that is all about that they are too cool for day light savings time. Since with today's technology you don't really need to worry about changing clocks since they are all smart enough to do it themselves now, why not think about what you are going to fall back asleep on???

My guess is most of you went to Bed Bath and Beyond or Target or whatever you have near you and bought a pillow that looked and squeezed OK. It probably wasn't the cheapest one they had and it is just fine but how many of you love your pillow?

Well, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my pillow. I learned about pillows early on as we take them pretty seriously in my house. I guess that is what happens when you have German "cousins". If you have ever been to Germany or Switzerland you know exactly what I am talking about- those people know good bed linens and especially pillows.

So to break it down for you- we are all different and need different pillows depending on who we are. There are three basic types of filler: Natural Fill, Synthetic Fill and Memory Foam. I am guessing you all know what memory foam is; it is a dense foam the contours to your neck and head, it is great for someone with neck or spine issues or if you just like sleeping on a brick. Natural Fill falls into three categories: Feathers, Down and Combination. A common mis-conception is that down is a feather; it is not. Down is also not harvested off baby geese like I was once told. Down is the fluffy insulation under the feathers. We all know what feathers are- they protect our winged friends from the elements and under the feathers there is a fluffy layer of insulation that keeps them warm. This fluffy stuff is down and that is what makes an amazing pillow. Feathers are also used to stuff pillows but frankly I think it is better for upholstery and decorative pillows- nothing worse than rolling over and having a feather poking out of your pillow and in your face. However, some people think down is too soft and prefer the denser quality of the feathers. The best of both worlds if you need a more dense Natural Fill pillow is to go for a combination pillow that has a denser feather core but is surrounded in down.
Synthetic is what is sounds like- it is a polyester product that frankly has really improved over the years. Your basic $9.99 pillow at Target is Synthetic and is just fine on a guest bed. But like I said they have improved, you can now get a product called PolyCluster and it is a silicone coated polyester product that is meant to simulate down. I have one of these pillows and I have to say it is pretty good. *it is not the pillow I LOVE.

So really the filling thing is a personal preference and budget... little tip on Natural Fill and allergies.... it is like cats and dogs- you are allergic to the dander most of the time not the feather (or fur) so a good quality natural fill pillow will be hypo-allergenic because of the cleaning process used...caution all the companies I know to use best practices to have hypo-allergenic natural fill are a bit more costly but very worth it.

But what will really help you have a good night sleep is having a pillow appropriate to the way you sleep. A back sleeper typically needs a medium density while a stomach sleeper needs a softer fill to make sure their spine and neck don't contort into a funny angle. Side sleepers are a bit more tricky as they need neck support. There are special side sleeper pillows that have a gusset to support the neck. But if you are a side sleeper there is a pretty good chance you are a wiggly sleeper and honestly you should have more than one pillow-one medium and one soft- the soft one can squish up and support your neck when you are on you side and when you roll over onto your stomach you have the perfect pillow but you also have the more dense medium on for back sleeping. Now I know most males do not like the bed cluttered with pillows and that is not what I am suggesting just simply that you might get a better nights sleep if you traded in that big old king sized so-so pillow and got two regular sized ones in varying densities.

But truly, give your pillow some thought. Think about a budget you are comfortable, as not everyone things several hundred dollars is reasonable for a pillow. But no matter what your budget, buy the best quality one within your budget- your pillow is not the place to cheap out!

And just incase on this Fall Back night you fall down... no reason to sacrifice your style. Cynthia Rowley has a new collection of designer bandaids.

And while Louis Vuitton has legally halted the production of these kock-offs you can still find them online

Enjoy your extra hour!

photos: Scandia Down, Allure, Luxury Launches, Sevana

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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