Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween's just an excuse for girls to dress like sluts...

So when I first heard that we had to dress up for a Halloween party this weekend I had fears of getting suckered into wearing something along the lines of a bunny bunny days are long gone! I didn't totally blow off my mom's suggestion of Marilyn Monroe but then which of her many men would the boyfriend be???

So after hours of scouring the internet for creative ideas and a visit to the Halloween store I presented him with a list of costumes I would be willing to wear. I tried to be creative including thing like going as Chrome and FireFox (for the record I thought this is what he would have chosen and was getting excited about buying silver leggings) or a bee and beekeeper(ala Martha Stewart), I was also secretly hopping we could do PeeWee and Dottie. But like any true Barbie fan I threw in Barbie and Ken because I am still obsessed with Barbie and because there is a hysterical Ken costume out this year. And what do you know... I have the best boyfriend ever because he has agreed to wear plastic hair and go as Ken! Now to convince my dear sweet sissy that she will never again wear that hot pink bridesmaid dress hanging in her closet- because really Barbie looks much better in her signature color of Pink! in fact who or what space doesn't look better with a pop of pink???
Boring facades are awoken with hot pink shutters

The other Queen of Pink! Betsy Johnson is a woman by my own heart!

Pops of pink work in every style and add a touch whimsy and romance at the same time

Kelly Wearstler is fearless when it comes to pink! 

Aghh, Pink!!!! Everything is better in Pink!
See Sissy- Barbie really needs a pink dress, not black! 
I have no fear of rocking the pink but here's hoping I can pull off being blonde for a night!

Monday, October 24, 2011

I've waited till the last possible moment...

It's that time of year again, and I've waited till the last possible moment to decide on a Halloween costume and what to do with my pumpkin.. I still haven't had inspiration strike on the costume but I have found plenty of inspiring pumpkins this year!
Demure painted Colonial pumpkins will flow beautifully into Thanksgiving

I think these little guys are adorable!

Owls will also hang around perfectly for Fall not just Halloween!

Cutesy pumpkin totem with no carving needed is perfect for squirrel infested areas 

The modern pumpkin

Beiber Fever- still going strong! actually this one really creeps me out!

Pumpkin turned Oasis for floral pumpkins- Love!

Maybe the mice would deter the squirrels...

Preppy pumpkins!

I love the simplicity of these although I doubt I could carve that mouth so tiny!

Lilly Pumpkins!!

Angry Birds! this one's for you Dad!!

glittery ghost pumpkin- how very chic!

Glitter pumpkins- I would do this in a heart beat!

not the best picture but they are different shades of pink!

Perfect for Fall tables!

pumpkins turned toad stools! all they need is a garden gnome!

Break out your modge podge!

I did this look last year and I still love it, very simple and elegant

whatever you decide- have fun with it! Happy carving, or painting, or bedazzeling or  what ever you decide!

Now for the costume....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The more that you read...

I love Dr. Seuss... always have. I used a Dr. Seuss quote for my high school senior yearbook quote; I use Dr. Seuss books for inspiration for nurseries and children's rooms; I even painted my nephew's high chair with Green Eggs and Ham.
But as I've gotten older and a little wiser, I've traded out my favorite Cat In the Hat quote for this one:

"The more you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
-Dr Seuss from I Can Read With My Eyes Shut

If you've read my blog before, you know how much I love books, for both reading and decorating!
So needless to say I laughed out loud when I saw this picture floating around Facebook (allegedly from Random House) talking about book suicide as a result of the Jersey Shore. I'm pretty sure books started committing suicide when Snookie got published but that is neither here nor there.

Back to my love of books (I mostly just wanted to put that picture on here!) I have long said how much a bookshelf can add to a room, it adds texture, depth, color and a conversation piece all in one

But why let the spines have all the fun?
For those of you out there (like me!) who pick books based on covers- why not show them off! I love this nursery and the way simple picture ledge became a book shelf, allowing the covers to shine as the focal point of the room. Or you can take this idea and frame it- thanks to my newest love...
Penguin Books, who has always prided themselves on having good looking covers, has released a collection of 100 covers in the form of postcards. So why not frame a few of your favorites and make a collage out of them!
And while we are on the subject... if you find your shelves are empty these days and needing some inspiration- I have just the shopping list for you!

Daily Candy (one of my long time favorites) has compiled a list of 101 books to keep you busy. Now, as a girl who has a tendency to read books with pink covers, I have to say- this is the best list of must read books I have seen. It is a brilliant mix of authors from new cult favorites like Steig Larson and Jonathan Franzen to old classics like Margaret Mitchell and Charles Dickens. Of course I love it because it includes my favorite book of all time- Valley of the Dolls!  And to make it even better, they present the list with images of the covers!!! So even us cover judges can know what we are getting into! So time to start checking off my list and loading up the kindle with some new finds!  
Here's what I've checked off the list so far:

Only 82 to go...
Happy Reading!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A house is not a home...

" A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body."
-Benjamin Franklin

It is that glorious time of year when the nights get cold enough to start a fire in the fireplace and the television networks are finally airing new episodes; some call it the beginning of hibernation others call it the beginning of relationship season.

As couples snuggle into the warmth of living rooms, it kindles the age old question of furniture arrangement...where to put the television? Do you make the fireplace the central focus? Do you make the television the focal point? Or do you go with the logical compromise and put the television above the fireplace?
Putting the television above the fireplace is the natural compromise and a great way to maximize the furniture arrangement. The only down side is when the television is off, you are stuck staring a big black rectangle...or are you?
The barn door style cabinet above the fireplace conceals the television and plays off the rustic charm of the old beams and stone facade of the fireplace

This charming whitewashed wrap around cabinet conceals the television without compromising the mantle

Classic built-ins are a great way to hide a television.

If you don't have a functioning fireplace why not use it to house the television? After-all you can always play one of those videos that look like fire logs 

This custom wooden case hanging above the mantel matches the beams and ties in the wood tones that are throughout the room

This custom cabinet that mirrors the arch of the fireplace is the perfect place to stash the television

I adore the chevron pattern of this cabinet! and the cerused finish matches the mantel and some of the furnishings, making it feel like it has been there forever.

If you can't hide it why not embellish it? Wood moldings or old frames painted to match the wall add an interesting touch without competing with the fireplace itself

But why settle for the black rectangle or having to look at closed doors? Seura has created the best solution piece yet! 

You may have seen their swanky vanishing televisions embedded in the bathroom mirrors of some of the chicest hotels around like Chicago's Elysian Hotel. 
They have taken their unique technology and brought it into the living room with their new Premier Series- a larger, elegantly framed mirror with full size vanishing television embedded in the glass. So now you can have the elegance of a mirror over your mantle to bounce the light around as well as having your television centered right over the focal point of the room! Total Design Genius! and to make it even's made right here in the USA!
and with over 50 styles of frames available, there is something for every style

Now that that little problem is solved, where to put all the components?
While this is possibly the best solution I have seen, there is no way this would ever pass fire code! All those pesky components need to vent, not to mention the added heat of the fireplace would render them useless.  
While built-ins offer a great place to stash the components you either have all those wires exposed or have to leave the doors open for the remote signal to reach. But fabric conceals while still allowing the signals to work.
Fabric covered tables offer a place to put your drink as well as a clever hiding spot for all those pesky cable boxes and such.

Fabric panels installed in cabinet doors allow you to keep doors closed without exposing the tangle of wires that comes with all those components. Plus it adds a pop of color and pattern!

So snuggle up and enjoy the compromise this hibernation season!