Friday, November 5, 2010

Keep Calm...

I am sure you have seen these posters, they are everywhere these days in a rainbow of colors but have you ever wondered what the deal was with them? It is an old war time poster that was created by the British Ministry of Information at the outbreak of World War Two.  Keep Calm and Carry On was to be brought out only in times of extreme crisis...but somehow they never really made it out into public like the other posters commissioned at that time. And so it remained a bit hidden until 2000 when reproduction rights were granted to a few private companies...since then the catchy utterly "stiff upper lip" British poster has exploded into popularity.

And while I do love the poster and kind of want a pink one I absolutely love all the other inspiring and humorous posters in the Keep Calm and Carry On Gallery.

So keep Calm and Carry On and have an awesome weekend!


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