Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ring a ling...

I really can't express how strange the last few days have been...well let me back up. On Sunday my phone committed suicide by jumping from being nestled at my ear (while I tried to multi task) into a soapy sink full of dishes. And yes I do own a blue tooth but it is driving only and only when I am visiting my sister where it is outlawed. I digress- I fished out my phone did the whole bowl of rice thing (actually couscous but I think that qualifies)but all it was doing was starting and shutting off and vibrating like crazy. So I dug it out and took in to the local store where they were not real friendly or helpful and after being informed that the rice trick only works for apple products, I ended up filing a claim online- I really hope I at least made the claim reader smile with my description of what happened! Alas I finally have my new phone! It was very strange having no phone- much like being naked, it was freeing yet I was a bit panicked and didn't know what to do with my hands.

It is a shiny new Droid and it needs a little needs to be accessorized (why does spell check not recognize that as a word??? verb meaning to add accessories) So the debate- do I go case or skin.. Every designer under the sun has a case and I am not feeling particularly label-whorish today plus I like how thin the phone is and don't know that I want to bulk it up... sidebar- spell check recognizes whorish as a word but not accessorize; please correct me if I am just spelling it wrong (highly likely) but I don't think I am... sorry back to the debate... so here are my favorite skins of the moment...
Classic Zebra to match my laptop???
I love the way my laptop turned out with the Classic Zebra
Do I pay homage to the upcoming Harry Potter movie with  Loss of Species??

Show my pup some love with LoveMe??

Do I go the prissy route and use Tea Set...I will have to raise my pinky  finger while I talk if I do this one..

Or do I just keep it warm in this snuggly little gnome off Etsy???

Oh what's a girl to do??

photos: Tansy Liverwort, SkinIt, Etsy

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