Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is that Hamster food???

A few weeks ago I was having dinner with my family, who happens to be in the lumber industry, and we were talking about pellet stoves.  A what? oh yes a pellet stove- they are exceedingly common across the pond but have yet to catch on here in the states. The greatest thing is the pellets, which I think resemble hamster food, are made of the by products from the lumber industry; or to simplify it means no waste! What an amazing product- it is made out of something that would be wasted otherwise! So why a pellet stove, other than the obvious that these little pellets are far easier to handle than a pile of logs with spiders and other creepy crawlies living in them...Because the wood is so condensed it is more efficient; less moisture also results in less harmful gases being released. Plus no smoke, so no "smoking out" a whole room if you forget to open the damper, hmmm I have some experience with that! The stoves are also designed in such a manner that they do not become hot on the exterior surfaces so they can be placed an inch off the wall and are perfectly safe for children and pets. Peruse your local hardware store and check out the price of pellets then go get you power bill... looks pretty good!

So why has it not caught on here? The first hurdle was the availability of pellets, historically they were primarily manufactured in the Pacific Northwest and other extreme cold areas, however now they are being made everywhere- even right here in Virginia. But the biggest roadblock to them gaining popularity is the stove itself. In the states they seem to have been fashioned after your grandmother's old wooden stove... don't get me wrong I am sure (somewhere on the planet) there is an application for this style but you will not catch me buying one of those any time soon! So when my big brother challenged me with finding a good looking pellet stove the hunt was on....I tend to not back down when people challenge me( good, bad whatever...I like a challenge). So brother dearest here are my favorite pellet stoves.
Pink! Really! Yes Please I will take two! Plus I love how they kind of look like tv's!
Ohhh love the corner action!!
Sleek minimal sphere shape is like a piece of art!
Oh yes! I found 2 pink pellet stoves and this one has a remote!

photos: BlackSwan, EcoTeck, TreeHugger, Genersys, Interior Hit

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