Friday, February 25, 2011

time to break out the index cards

Gracias, Tack, Merci, Ta, Danke, Mahalo, Toda, Grazie, Xie Xie,
 Anugurihiitosumi (yeah ... that's sanskrit!)

I just realized that yesterday's post was my 100th that might not sound like much to any of you out there but for me it is! 5 months ago when I started this I figured it would be a good outlet for me as I was feeling like my creativity was a bit stifled...I knew my mom and my sister would read it daily as they are the co-chairs of my fan club and I knew my friends would skim it occasionally- mostly because I plaster it all over my facebook profile...but I just checked out my stats (love love love all the info Google gives you!) my little old blog has had over five thousand unique visitors and it has been translated into over 15 different languages! and I particularly find it amusing that my most viewed post is the one I wrote in honor of my Great Aunt Edna on her birthday!
So a huge thank you to everyone who reads my blog...let me know what inspires you, as it is the people in my life that inspire me the most! xoxo

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