Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolution time...

Until last year I never had a resolution that lasted beyond week two of the new year and since last year was mildly successful in the resolution department I figured I might as well give it a go again this year... And this year I have 2! The first and my most challenging is going to be my break-up with Diet Coke; I have a serious love affair with Diet Coke and as the grand-child of a Coca-Cola bottler I feel a bit like I am disgracing my family- but alas, I have realized that it not the most healthy obsession. I am not making any cold turkey promises but by this time next more Diet Cokes! Oh that makes me sad!

But my second resolution excites me beyond belief! Having just finished reading Water for Elephants, I am in a circus state of mind...that being said, this year...The Year of Charlotte...I am not going to run away and join the circus but I am going to learn to fly on the trapeze!

Water for Elephants hasn't just inspired my has gotten me thinking: how come we don't see more circus inspired interiors??? I mean who doesn't love the circus? It has all the best things to capture inspiration from, Stripes, Colors, Animals and Freaks! Then I remembered an all too chic circus inspired home featured in Tradition Home:

And I love it! the perfect balance of drama, whimsy and elegance... so I had to find more!

So let's take 2011 and embrace the whimsical side of life...find your inner child and run away with it!
Water for Elephants: A Novel PS- the trailer for the movie version looks amazing! never thought I would be excited for a Reese Witherspoon R.Patts team up...but then again I am a huge sucker for R.Patts!

photos: Traditional Home, houzz

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