Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Hair...

Due to the lovely way the holidays fell this year many people are hurting even more today than yesterday...thus needing some more hair of the dog and this time they might need more than just some lovely yellow interiors- or if you did get inspired yesterday I doubt the paint fumes helped with your condition. So for those of you struggling here are some of my tried and true hangover helpers... although I have found the older I get the harder it is to shake...

Cool Ranch Doritos and Cherry Coke were my staple day after cures in college, they still work to some degree...
I also find that if time allows, wallowing in self pity on the sofa seems to work wonderfully...
But you must have a wonderful pillow and an exquisite blanket- I love Bella Notte's velvet collection- they are backed in satin- and you know there are those moments that the cool hand of satin feels amazing!
While wallowing it is best to find some mild non-offensive entertainment and by non-offensive I mean avoid things with more alcohol and smoking (like Sex and the City and Mad Men) or food (movies like Julie & Julia or Waitress will just make you miserable)... also avoid any movie that you need to pay good attention to...

Cue up your Netflix for some mindless comedies that will avoid triggering your gag reflex.
Dress up- even if lounging wear your best lounging attire... and just like the blanket suggestion- satin or other soft flowy materials will help you stay comfortable while still feeling chic (even if you are praying to the porcelain gods)
Eat a banana...and to make yourself laugh, make it into a Nanerpus- if you don't know what that is- go to YouTube (except I told you to avoid movies about food- but oh well it is only YouTube)
And obviously drink water- lots and lots of it!

And if you really can't figure it out check out this idiots guide to curing a hangover:
this guy is far more detailed than I am... plus it never ceases to amaze me what you can find on the internet!
Feel better


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