Saturday, January 1, 2011

Aghh the Hair of the Dog....

An expression that dates back to Shakespeare's time... originally referring to to belief that if you were bitten by a dog, applying a few of that same dog's hairs to the wound would cure you of rabies and any other diseases. Today the same notion applies only to the idea that after a night of drinking too much, having a bit more will cure your hangover... so Mimosas it is this morning...
And while Mimosa was the color of the year in 2009, I feel today it is still fitting... Yellow is associated in color theory with joy, happiness, intellect and energy.  Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity and generates muscle activity.  And what could be a more fitting color to start off the new year?

Happy New Year!

photos: Country Living, Martha Stewart, Apartment Therapy, Style Estate, Manolo Home, Real Simple

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