Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sorry..I have to quote him...

I hate to do it, because frankly I think he a major freakshow, but I can't resist turning one of Charlie Sheen's now infamous quotes into inspiration for something far more beautiful than the mess he is making...
"It's been a tsunami. And I've been riding a mercury surfboard."
I have not the faintest clue what that rambling is about but it instantly made me think of the gorgeous luster of Mercury Glass and how fab a mercury glass surfboard would be!- pretty sure it might attract sharks!
But did you know this gorgeous glass actually doesn't have any mercury in it? in the early 19th century Germans created this double walled glass as a tarnish free alternative to silver because prior to the light bulb being invented it looked incredibly like silver and often fooled thieves!
Most people relegate it to holiday decorations these days but I am here to say can be quite the beautiful spring accent as well. Cut some of springs first blooms and stick them in a mercury glass container and let the mirror like surface bounce the colors around in a sparkley happy little display in your home!

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