Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to reality...

Time to check back in with the real world...not quite sure where summer went, but it was a good great one! I can't quite get used to seeing the school bus barrel down my street twice a day or the silence that now resonates through the neighborhood during the middle of the day. But alas, it is time to get back to it... back to school (well not for me- can't imagine anything worse!) back to work and back to getting inspired (and sharing with you).
First step in getting back in the groove is cleaning off my desk...a super scary pile of magazines is towering over my laptop threatening to topple over if I look at it hard enough and remnants of fabric are keeping the actual surface of my desk warm and cozy. So as I clean up and make room for my new sewing machine (very good motivator!) I thought I'd share some of my favorite desk tips.
don't be afraid to use bold color in your work space- go with makes you happy and inspired

make sure you have plenty of room- especially if you are like me and like to spread out!

use what you have- make space where you can- using a spare closet is great because you can shut the doors and hide it! Plus- channel your inner Julia Child and use peg board to get organized

make sure you have a comfy chair...if not add a pillow! 

Use art and flowers to make the space yours...and pretty! There is something to be said for having something living on your desk (moldy coffee cups don't count as living)

Light!!! natural light is always best so pick a spot that gets good natural light, and if you can't  get that then do invest in good lighting

find creative ways to get organized...ever dream of sweeping everything off your desk? 

tame your gadgets- hmmm. maybe I should take my own advice! with all the electronics that we have ruling our lives these days it is always challenging to find a chic way to control the cords- I love this ribbon box re-purposed as a charging station - now I finally have an excuse to buy a ribbon box! 

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