Friday, August 12, 2011

Seeing Red....

There is no doubt that famed show designer, Christian Louboutin is seeing red this week after a New York judge rejected his request to enjoin YSL from selling red soled shoes.The judge went on to to say that fashion designers cannot trademark a single color especially in this case where Louboutin's trademark does not specify the shade he uses (today it's actually Pantone 18-1663 Chinese Red but the first pair were painted red using nail polish back in 1992) so unlike protected color schemes such as the signature Burberry plaid and the Louis Vuitton monogram Louboutin has not only sparked an interesting conversation in the fashion world but he has learned an expensive lesson... when applying for a trademark, being overly broad is not a good thing.

Red is possibly the most emotionally intense color, so it is no wonder it has these fashion houses fighting over it. The color of blood and fire, red is associated with everything from passion and love to danger and power. Red stimulates people to make quick decisions, a good thing when these red soled beauties run anywhere from $450 to $4,000 a pair.

Red is also used as an indicator of courage, and you need courage when pulling off red on your lips, in your wardrobe and in your home. Red is hard, reds don't always play well with others. Various shades of red will often fight instead of blending harmoniously the way blues and greens do. That being said, pulling off red correctly can stop a person in their tracks...

While you might not be keen on throwing red on the walls...after all there was that great scene in Sex and The City with the red wall
Red does make a great accent color- I love it as an unexpected pop of color for a light fixture

it also makes a great statement as a piece of accent furniture

And if you have read my blog before, well, you know how I feel about white walls...
But I am loving this white hallway lined with black and white photos framed in red!
And while red can be bold and harsh in many instances, you really can't go wrong with red leather...
These red leather sofas are timeless and the red will wear beautifully, much like a great pair of jeans- they will just get better with age. And I can actually attest to this as I own a red leather sofa- I inherited it, it is older than me and has lived with almost every member of my family at some point...if only that thing could talk! probably best that it can't!
Why not deck out the bedroom in the color of passion??

and don't be afriad to set the tone early and use red on the outside of your house, it is a front door classic.

adore the matching red sconces! very fun for a bungalow, cottage or cabin!

And if your still on the fence about red, take some advice from Bill Blass: 
"Red is the ultimate cure of sadness."

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