Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"and she was fair as is the rose in May"

Geoffrey Chaucer famously described both women and roses as fair; however today's color is Withered Rose and fair it is not...instead it is Influential, Persistent and Curious.
While admitting that I have never been a huge rose fan (need I refer you to my Valentine's Day rant on them...) there is something to be said for its' classic romantic symbolism (would still prefer a bouquet of peonies) but the color itself is soft, pleasing and a bit unexpected in a home.
 While I don't know a single man who is going to jump at the prospect of this shade of pink showing up on their walls it does result in a sophisticated romantic elegance
and it works surprisingly well in a more modern setting

as an accent to blue it pops more pink and is extremely cheerful and fresh- not quite as serious as it is when paired with more traditional neutrals

Or if you are really bold...take it to the exterior!

If today's your birthday then you should wear and surround yourself with this dusty pink color to help you ease the conflicting parts of your nature and and remind yourself to honor the unique and special parts of yourself and others

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