Monday, June 13, 2011

What's a Piquant???

Today's Color: Piquant Green (Pantone 17-0235)

"Piquant Green reminds you that there are different ways to achieve your desires and that the skills you acquire on the journey enrich you as much as arriving at your final destination."

and for the record... Piquant is an adjective often used in cooking to mean a pleasantly sharp taste or exciting to the mind!
Pretty cool word for a rather average boring shade of green...pretty sure this is the color of the Green Crayola Crayon...

So here is the funny thing- I was about to take this post down because I realized it is not June 13th's color... it is May 13th's color...but then I looked at my calendar to see what I did a month ago today and frankly that was the best Friday the 13th I have ever had- so it stays...

Today's color is actually:
Bright Chartreuse (Pantone 14-0445)

"Bright Chartreuse invokes financial protection and trust in the universe"

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