Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Boston man is the east wind made flesh...

It's a good day to be a fan of Boston...yes friends I'm referring to sports! Curse of having a birthday that falls during both hockey finals and baseball season- not so for Beantown, apparently my birth brought them some luck yesterday with both the Sox and the Bruins pulling out wins last night- so boys- Congrats!
And while I admit- I do love me some Red Sox and am defiantly pulling for the Bruins over the Canucks (what the heck is a Canuck anyway..) all it does is channel my inner preppy girl...
I adore Boston, The Cape, the Vineyard and Nantucket...the water's a bit cold but when it's 100 with 98% humidity in the south it all makes sense to me. And while I will fully admit there is more to Massachusetts than just the east coast... here is what Massachusetts is to me...
Cedar Shingles...gardens that have been there forever...
A bit of classic Americana...
a fearless embrace of gorgeous old architecture as opposed to plowing it down for a newer model...

new twists on old classic combinations...
It is embracing the classic gentleman style and rocking a rep stripe tie (even if it is on a pillow)
it's not apologizing for embracing your inner nerd...
Lobster Rolls! Where Maryland does a killer crab cake... Massachusetts gives us the lobster roll- YUMMY 
It's copper pots that have been in a family for generations and have gotten better with age...
It's Nantucket Reds!

And before my southern friends totally disown me, let me point out that aside from the accent- they really aren't all that different than us...
Northern girls have some of the same dreams as us....
They too love to slap a monogram on anything that will sit still...
and they always stop to make way for ducklings!

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