Tuesday, March 15, 2011

trying to make a gray day pretty...

So I am helping my sister with her baby, who bless his adorable little self  still isn't sleeping through the night...so she picked a plan and we are going for it...and it all starts with breaking bad habits during the day- Oh lucky me! the author refers to doing things in three days steps where the first day is the darkest- then the gray day then the bright day where the bad habits are going away and it isn't so bad. Well today is the gray day of no pacifier outside the crib and well surprisingly it isn't as bad a yesterday and it got me thinking about just how lovely gray is...and how very many shades of grey there are!

Gray is often omitted early on by people because it is considered cold and boring but I disagree- I love gray and think it is a great neutral- way  better than builder beige! Pearl gray is soft and romantic and can make a room feel quite bright. and then you get deeper into the charcoals and brownish grays (yes gray works really well with brown leather!) and you get a rich, warm masculine feel- Guys-dark gray is so much more sophisticated than black- trust me! Dark grays make a great option for major upholstery pieces(- especially if you have a black dog) it is forgiving and will go with nearly anything you want to mix with it.
Grey is also making appearances on the floor with grey-washed wood being extremely popular right now. It gives a more rustic feel and more unexpected than traditional white washing
Grey is also a great color scheme for wall paper patterns- there are so many shades of grey that you can have pattern and still be monochromatic.

and while I love grey and yellow...
I also love Purple and Grey...
But mostly I love Pink and Grey!
So don't be afraid of the many shades of gray...make your gray day pretty!

and yes Grey and Gray are the same thing- us Americans tend to spell Gray however the color is more typically spelled GREY


Scotty said...

You also have a cousin named Gray

Ellen Farley said...

Charlotte, just chose Greige for our family room and kitchen. Now I just need you to come and decorate the rest :) Good luck with no paci during the day. OUCH!