Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I hate CFL's...

It is no secret that I don't really like them- some say they are dimmable and they really aren't, they tend to flicker, they typically have bad coloring, they have to warm up to full brightness, they need to be recycled but few people actually know that and those little piggy tails are just plain ugly.
Until now... the 2011 winner of the BRIT Insurance design of the year went to a CFL manufacturer! But rest assured Plumen is no piggy tail!
The graceful curves of this 11 watt beauty put off a lovely warm white glow that is not nearly as offensive as most fluorescents.

Much like decorative filament bulbs these don't need to be hidden because they are so beautiful- the light becomes art almost.
London based designer Samuel Wilkinson has created a gorgeous collection of glass pendants through Decode to help highlight the flowing lines of these beauties

And I love the detailing of the cross cut angle for the perfect surprise- as if the fact that it hold a CFL isn't a big enough surprise

Only problem...they aren't available for the US yet! very sad about this- but frankly I have been sitting on the idea of a Plumen blog post since they came out last September! But alas it is time because they are in production and should be available for US sale at the end of April! 

can't believe I am this excited about a compact fluorescent- there is a first time for everything! 

1 comment:

Enygma said...

Good to know there's something better down the pike!