Tuesday, February 1, 2011


-noun. Change from one position, state, subject or concept to another.
-verb. to make a transition

Transition is a tricky little catch all word- it gets used a lot and almost always to signal change; in literature it signals a change in the story, in music it usually refers to the middle passage of a piece of music- where the music...changes. Right before big layoffs the word transition floats around offices- you know you have gotten those nervous butterflies when you heard your boss say that the company was going through a transitional period- hopefully you weren't part of it but I am willing to bet there were layoffs and possibly a change of management. Realtors love to use the term transitional when describing shady neighborhoods; having just moved out of a neighborhood described as such I can assure you it means your house is a recent flip as is at least one of your neighbors but at some point the house across the street will be raided by the cops or the tenants will vanish in the middle of the night- or in my case both!

But in design it is much more like in films, where transition is a method of juxtaposing two scenes...in design transitional style is the combination of traditional and contemporary. There are also transitional spaces in design where, like in literature and music, it indicates a shift; transitional spaces in the home are important, they are the hallways or the pass through rooms that let a visitor know that they are shifting from the formal to the more casual part of the house or from the public spaces to the more private rooms of the home.

Transitional style is a bit up to interpretation; it can be as simple as using traditional furnishing with updated contemporary fabrics or using fresh bold colors on the walls. Or it could be using a traditional pattern with newer updated colors to give it a more contemporary feel.

I think in design it is important to be true to your house- staying true to your house is the most sure fire way for it not to feel forced or contrived but we don't always get the luxury of buying our dream home right out the gate so transitional style is a great way; if you are like me and love contemporary but don't have quite the budget for a sleek contemporary house; so to stay true to the traditional aspects of your home go for it bring in some traditional- family hand me downs work great for this part and then add some flare with contemporary touches that are a bit more you...

And if you don't have the confidence to mix up the styles there are some great furnishings out there that do the heavy lifting for you...one of my favorite designers is Alexa Hampton; she comes from a legacy of classic beautiful interior design; the daughter of the late Mark Hampton she has carried on his design empire as well as his furniture collection with Hickory Chair...her pieces not only embody the gorgeous traditional lines she no doubt grew up with but the all are some how updated giving them a fresh feel while still reminding you of where they came from.

So fear not the transitions...embrace them (find the silver lining)! Change is good for everyone and every home and so don't be afraid of mixing things up... even styles!

photos: Hickory Chair, Elle Decor, Material Girls

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