Friday, November 12, 2010

Penny for your thoughts...

I absolutely adore Julia Child- don't worry this isn't some sort of Julie Julia thing- although I highly recommended reading both My Life in France and Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I have read and reread My Life in France, I love the way Julia chronicles her time in France based on what she ate and where- I sort of do that with what I was wearing or what was in fashion (sad but true). Anyway- I love cooking, my mother has instilled in me the art of cooking for an army of people; good thing I like leftovers as I usually only cook for one or two. Last year for Christmas she gave me my own copy of Mastering the Art and while I haven't cooked my way through it and doubt I ever it will, it inspires me. Short of The Joy of Cooking this might be the most influential cook book in my shelf.

For me, I can not think of Julia Child and not conjurer up the  image of her peg-board with those gorgeous copper pots hanging on it. I love copper pots- I have yet to actually cook in one so I can't speak to their merits other that how fabulous they look. I also spend lots of time dreaming of what my dream kitchen will be like and today I am dreaming about channeling my inner Julia and paying homage with copper!

As a practical matter I think butcher block will make a great foundation for the counter tops! If you haven't picked up on it already- I am biased and love using wood whenever possible! I love the depth and character that wood has- it is solid and reliable, unique and comfortable. The warm tones in butcher block will play nice with copper accents, like copper pots and pans...nahhh that is way too obvious for me! maybe some great copper pendants with traditional Edison style bulbs...
These! Love the brown glass that plays towards the dark tones in the wood while the classic bulbs play on the traditional aspects of the butcher block.

Hmmm... so now where will my copper go??
Brushed copper Kitchen Aid???  I like it but I think this is a good place to pop in some color...
much better! note to self- steal my sister's while she is sleep deprived from her new baby that will be coming any day now!

Now there is a copper treatment that I have been obsessed with since I saw it at the Standard Hotel.... The Penny Tile Floor- yes real pennies!

And since I love cooking I don't think this would be the best floor but I think it would make a killer back splash! and at about $2.00 a square foot I could easily pull this off!
So taa daa! my Julia Child worthy kitchen! I can't wait!! Time to start saving my pennies up!
Happy Friday!!!
photos: William Sonoma, Arteriors Home, Sundance, Willemette, Lustarte, Apartment Therapy, 

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