Saturday, August 25, 2012


I have been totally MIA from this blog...I have toyed with different formats, different colors, new backgrounds all sorts of stuff to try and revive my blogging passion... here's the bottom line- I'm kinda blah with this blog.
 I started this blog when I was in a rut, it gave me something to get excited about and pour my passion into. It was exactly what I needed at that point. But fast forward a few years and I have loads of great stuff going on in my life and less and less time (time vampires include: my adorable nephew, my fabulous family, my wonderful boyfriend, my creative brain going into overdrive with new ideas...) So, in taking a cue from my personal life- I'm moving the blog! Therapy By Charlotte will now live on a format that works better for me (and my snazzy new iphone!) Here's hoping this move will help revive my passion that I had when I started this journey!

Thanks for all the views and support!

P.S. all the old posts will remain here and who knows...I might get inspired to use this space from time to time!