Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There are as many pillows of illusion...

" There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow storm. We wake from one dream into another dream." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

All these gray days keeping us inside and making us want to crawl back in bed have me yearning for some pillow talk...
No fail, every time the seasons change I get the itch to redecorate. The landscape outside my windows change so why shouldn't my interior shift a little to work with it? What better way than to toss in some updated throw pillows.  Some may call it excessive, but I really do believe throw pillows are a seasonal item and should be mixed up regularly to keep a room fresh.

Some things to consider when creating your pillow-scape:
-Don't be afraid to mix patterns, colors or textures, just keep them "related"- it adds depth and interest to your room.
-Use odd numbers- odds are always more pleasing to the eye when it comes to design.
-Don't be afraid to try a different shape or size. Over-sized pillows give a more casual vibe while rectangles tend to feel sleeker and more modern.

Go Bold
Birds of a Feather...
Add some Whimsy
Don't ignore your animal instincts

Friday, September 23, 2011

The greatest and the least...

"The greatest and the least,
The rich and the poor,
The weak and the strong,
In sickness and in health,
In joy and in sorrow,
In tragedy and triumph,

Today's a sad day, it marks the end of an era. The very last episode of All My Children will be airing in just a few hours. It all started on January 5th 1970 when the world got their first glimpse into the fictitious Pennsylvania town of Pine Valley. This gorgeous little town that is somehow convenient to NYC, the Bahamas, Hawaii, LA and has both a beach with yacht club and also dense forests with random fallout shelters in the forest floor,  yet it appears to only have a hand full of residents that have a penchant for marriage, drama and questionable medical practices. There just aren't enough words or sequins to explain this twisted group of people who I love.

So in honor of my exile from Pine Valley, today we talk pine...
Pine trees are native to the majority of the northern hemisphere. From ornamental uses such as the Christmas Tree to practical uses like construction, the pine is the most commercially important species of tree.
There is a word that you come across quite frequently when shopping for pine (especially in a flooring capacity). Heartpine- it is just that, the wood from the heart of the tree. Because trees are harvested at a younger age now, they no longer grow long enough to form the darker decay resistant heartwood, thus creating a wonderful reclaimed second life for this product that is called antique heartpine. Heartpine is also used to refer to the heart wood of southern yellow pine.
reclaimed wide plank pine flooring is rich in character

Eastern White Pine has been the flooring choice for hundreds of years for New Englanders

Pine flooring often has color variation, grain and knots that give it tons of character and can make a big impact.

But if pine flooring isn't your thing- you can still give your own Pine Valley tribute on the walls- Pine needles have so many gorgeous shades of green in them so there is something for everyone!
"green-wash" pays homage to forest it comes from with the color of young needles and the beauty of the grain showing through.

The dark pine green of mature needles gives this tile a reptilian feel

So Pine Valley- you will be missed!
Guess I'll just have keep the story alive with my very own Erica Kane...
after all she hasn't married Ken yet...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It has no beginning and no end...

It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that now is the time to start thinking about spring gardening but it is...at least for some of spring's most stunning flowers. Fall means bulb planting season! I'll fully admit I am a huge sucker for tulips and seeing the daffodils push through is the true indicator of spring for me, but this year why not consider something a little different?

Since I'm presently a bit obsessed with round home accessories why not play with that idea inside and outside the home???

 Allium is a bold statement for a garden; it has a modern, almost graphic quality to it. These giants are not just one big flower but in fact a ball (about the size of a softball)of tiny blossoms that bloom from spring to summer. And not only are they dramatic, they are deer resistant (bonus for those of us in deer territory)!

Don't have a garden...never fear- consider getting the same look inside with one of Crystorama's stunning round chandeliers

The Cypress is an amazingly close match with it's blossoms! And the "wet white" finish gives it more of a modern feel and helps the light bounce around and create some stunning shadows on the ceiling.

The Palla collection from jewelry designer Dorian Webb was an instant favorite from the moment it was released- trust me these pictures do not do it justice- they  are stunning pieces.

and now Palla comes in a simpler color scheme! loving the silver, white and crystal- a little easier to work with than the original amber version but just as gorgeous in real life.

Round light fixtures give a dramatic contrast to all the straight lines and 90 degree angles inside a home
and they come in every price range!
From crystal spheres to paper lanterns- anyone can get this look!

Open spheres have the same drama with less visual weight

no electrical...no problem
Tissue paper flower spheres add the drama and a pop of color to a child's room

Nothing beats a classic! Disco balls dance the fine line of unexpected and cheesy- if you want to add one to your home go for the unexpected- put one where you would least expect it and let it be a conversation piece.

The allium also comes in a quirky version... The Shubertii 
The cousin to the classic round, it keeps a looser shape and is more volleyball sized!
it's random drama is another great trend from nature to steal and bring inside

So roll up your sleeves and dig in the dirt...or if you can't wait for spring go ahead and hang it overhead!